Useful and Emergency
Print a copy here and keep it handy
On line: ws is a live link to the web address
Print some for friends and check occasionally for updates
Cairn Housing (general) 01463 220666
Cairn Housing Repairs & Emergencies 0845 224 1754
Electricity (Scottish Hydro) 0800 300999
Housing Rent & Repairs (HC) 01349 886602
(Emergencies out with office hours (HC) 0845 7002005)
Pest Control & Dog fouling (HC) 01349 886603
Refuse & Large Items (HC) 01349 886603
Sewage smell etc (Scot Wat) 0845 6018855
Water Supply (Scot Wat) 0845 6018855
Highland Council
Countryside Ranger (John Orr) 01463 710786
General enquiries 01349 886606
Payments 01349 886605
Roads, Street lights & Drains 01349 886601 Trading Standards 01463 228700
Ward Manager (Jimmy Flint) 01463 724273
Health & Personal Care
Chemist (Ard) 01667 462615
District Nurses 01667 422702
Doctors surgery 01667 452096
Doctors out of hours 01667 452096
Home Carers (HC-NHS) 01667 453951
" " 01463 246000
Culloden 01463 715555
Burnett Road 0845 6005703
Crime Stoppers (anonymous) 0800 555111
Ardersier Primary (pin 041400) 01667 462344
Culloden Academy (pin 041000) 01463 790851
Schools information service 0870 0546999
Leisure, Social & Services
Ardersier Library & Service Point 01349 886606
“ “ ” ” 01667 460397
Church Hall 01667 462224 or 462715
Culloden Academy Community Complex 01463 792794
Nairn Community Centre 01667 453476
Nairn Leisure & Swimming Pool 01667 453061
Nairn Sports Club 01667 454523
Old School Halls 01667 462763
Post Office (Ard) 01667 462615
Community Minibus 01667 453476
Dial-a-Bus ws 01667 456066
D&E coaches (school bus) ws 01463 222444
Inverness Airport ws 01667 464000
Stage Coach ws 01463 233371
Useful & Local Businesses
Connage Highland Dairy ws 01667 462000
Half-A-Moon (Stained glass) ws 01667 461361
Julia Smith Ceramics ws 01667 462742
MacLennan Joinery ws 01667 460191
McLeod Organics ws 01667 462555
Windows, Gutters Cleaned & Painting 01667 461398
“ “ “ “ (Scott Mobile) 07964 085460
Clubs & Associations
Boat Club facebook (Secretary) 07799 506451
Cubs & Scouts (Croy) 01667 454492
Highland dancing (Karen) 01463 795678
J.A.P.E.S. 01667 461176
Parent & Toddlers 01667 462352
Rainbows 01667 462032
Senior Citizens Club 01667 462428
Senior Citizens Keep fit 01667 462428
Sunday School 01667 462224
Youth Club 01667 461176
Accommodation & Entertainment
Dolphin Bay Suites ws 01667 404604
The Gun Lodge ws 01667 462734
The George Inn 01667 462238
Easter Dalziel Farm Cottages WS 01667 462213
On line: ws is a live link to the web address
Care has been taken to ensure that this list is as accurate as
possible. Please send any corrections and updates via the Community Council web page or to Alisdair on 462758.
Inclusion of businesses and services on this list is done for the
convenience of local residents only and their inclusion is not an
endorsement of those listed by the Community Council.